Print out your shadow, stick it onto a communal board, write your thoughts on a speech bubble and communicate with society
Inspired by 19th century photogenic drawings, Shadowgram brings a unique image making process to the digital age. Audiences generate their own shadowgram portraits and display them with a connected statement. Shadowgram seeks for audiences to respond to a provocation through igniting ideas in text and image, discussion, and new enquiry.
Singleton community members had the opportunity to join the social brainstorming. Using Shadowgram, they created a silhouette image of themselves and pasted it onto illustrations of Singleton, providing engaging insights into how they see the Singleton of tomorrow.
Shadowgram Singleton Credits
Producer: Kristefan Minski
Wall Artwork: Ari Chand
Singleton Shadowgram Chief Investigators (FASTlab): Dr Ari Chand and Dr Kristefan Minski
FASTlab Technical Production Support: Luke O’Donnell, Danielo Pati & Neale Davy
FASTlab Chief Investigators Singleton Laneways: Professor Paul Egglestone, Professor Mario Minichiello and Dr Kristefan Minski
Shadowgram Credits
Shadowgram Original Idea and Concept: Ars Electronica Futurelab / Roland Haring, Matthew Gardiner, Christopher Lindinger, Hide Ogawa
Shadowgram Original R&D Team: Ars Electronica Futurelab / Roland Haring, Hideaki Ogawa, Christopher Lindinger, Emiko Ogawa, Matthew Gardiner, David Stolarsky, Martina Mara
Shadowgram Australia Fabrication Design and Production: davisthomas