Art Thinking plays a pivotal role between a variety of international and local stakeholders to facilitate R&D projects and education programs at the intersection between Art, Science, Technology and Society. Usually, this takes the form of an academic institution and a local government where the University is located.
Diagram excerpt from Dr Kristefan Minski, PhD Thesis 2020 "Collaboration in Experimental Art:
case studies in Co-creation, Transdisciplinarity and Art-Science Collaboration at Ars Electronica Futurelab"
At Art Thinking, we believe that opening the walls of our academic institutions to share valuable knowledge with society will result in better informed communities and a better future for all. It is simply not enough to rely on publications that reach a very small percentage of the population. To help with this, Art Thinking is working with its partners to create a new collaborative model that will involve a variety of stakeholders across government, industry, education and the cultural sector. We see the city as a school and education does not start and stop inside institutional walls. Art creates accessible experiences for all of society and through that experience valuable knowledge is generated, especially when the topics address the science and technology that is affecting thier future.
Art Thinking is the core attribute, and informed the conceptual framework, of Dr Kristefan Minski’s (CEO Art Thinking PTY LTD) 2020 thesis. The research, grounded in his 10 years of work at Ars Electronica Futurelab, provided new perspectives on how to understand transdisciplinary and Art Science collaboration. At the centre of Minski’s argument is the assertion that there is a fundamental difference between open and closed ended creativity.
Through utilising an experimental art context, Minski developed a prototype model for a future ecosystem where both approaches complement each other resulting in a highly innovative process with both long-term sustainable and economically rational attributes.
Image excerpt from Dr Kristefan Minski, PhD Thesis 2020 "Collaboration in Experimental Art:
case studies in Co-creation, Transdisciplinarity and Art-Science Collaboration at Ars Electronica Futurelab"
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
The name "Art Thinking" pays homage to the ethos of Ars Electronica, a catalyst for change and the centre of a unique ecosystem.
"Ars Electronica, a role model for collaboration between art and ICT" reworked
presentation slide from Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director Ars Electronica, 2016
The term Art Thinking is derived from their unique approach for exploration at the nexus of Art, Technology and Society. A formula that the organisation has been incubating since 1979:
“In recent years, certain qualities of Ars Electronica’s approach… have caught international interest. ‘Art thinking’ has become a formula for this… of interest to those who wish to look more closely at the history of Ars Electronica, lies a special kind of ‘Ars Thinking’. This may be a way to grasp what is ultimately hard to grasp: the actual secret behind the fascinating development and ongoing success of Ars Electronica, a combination of openness and the will to collaborate with an artist’s mind and the readiness to take risks. A way of resilient living encouraged and inspired by “Ars Thinking.”
pg 307: ars.electronica.art 40years