Singleton citizens collaborate to build 90 Origami Flowers as part of a laneway activation featuring Origama Robot expert Dr Matthew Gardiner.
Oribotics [civitum natura] = Robotics Natural Communities
For the final installment of the Singleton Laneways Project world leading Origami Expert and inventor of the Oribot, Dr Matthew Gardnier, came to Singleton NSW to set a new world record. With the help of the community of Singleton, 90 Origami flowers were constructed over 4 days of workshops which were then mounted on a wall inside Evidence Laneway.
Origami Robot Wall displayed in Evidence Laneway, Singleton. Phot: Art Thinking
The project introduced the Singleton community to the field of Oribotics, Dr Matthew Gardiner's ongoing art/science fusion of origami and technology, specifically 'bot' technology, such as robots, or intelligent computer agents known as bots. Oribotics is a joining of two complex fields of study. Ori comes from the Japanese verb Oru literally meaning 'to fold'. Folding is a language of nature. Origami is the art of folding paper, geometry, math and craft. Oribotics is a field of research that explores the future art & scicence of making origami robots. oribokit® is a democratized art science robotic origami kit, created to encourage experimentation and expansion of oribotic research.
The Oribokit Singleton project produced a world record number of Oribot flowers (90) during workshops at the Singleton Arts and Culture Centre by year 9 and 10 students from Singleton High School, year 5 and 6 students from St Catherine’s Catholic College and members of the local community. It was the first time that the Oriokit had been utilised in this way - as part of a collaborative community placemaking activity.
About Dr Matthew Gardiner
Dr Matthew Gardiner is an artistic inventor and researcher at the Ars Electronica Futurelab most well known for his work with origami and robotics. Oribokit was designed and created as a way to share and encourage development in the emerging fields of oribotics–origami and robotics–including soft robotics, biomimetic design and folding in nature:
Dr. Matthew Gardiner
Oribokit Inventor / Lead Artist and Lead Facilitator
Dr. Kristefan Minski
Oribokit Singleton Producer / Co-Lead Researcher Singleton Laneways / CEO Art Thinking
Christopher Saunders
Singleton Council - Arts & Culture Liaison / Singleton Living Laneways Creative Producer
Estelle Leishman
FASTlab Facilitator / Co-Workshop Design
Amanda Patricia Viray
Assistant Producer
Aaron Parker
Independent Facilitator & Technical Support
Mark Swartz (Featheredge)
External Wall: Technical Design, Planning and Build
Neale Davy, Danielo Pati, Luke O’Donnel, Dominic Lindus & Michael Cuneo
University of Newcastle Technical Support
Louisa Magrics, Dr. Simone O’Callaghan, Caddie Brain
Research support & Workshop planning
Professor Paul Egglestone
Chief Investigator Singleton Living Laneways / Director FASTLab
Special Thanks
Cindy Koletsis-Tat, Nick Leahy & Helen Feeney
Singleton Living Laneways is a collaboration between partners Singleton Council, University of Newcastle, FASTLab, Art Thinking and Ars Electronica.
Proudly funded by NSW Government.