Kristefan Minski (AU) is an artist, creative technologist, producer, entrepreneur and academic. He is an expert in transdisciplinary collaboration and holds a PhD in the field. For 10 years he worked for the world-renowned Ars Electronica Futurelab. Minski’s primary passion is the way in which Art and Design combined with technological application can impact and positively influence our future societies. As a professional producer, he has been involved in 50+ projects ranging in budgets from several thousand to several million Euro and over timeframes ranging from a few months to years. His work normally involves organising and managing large teams of people of highly trained disciplines across the arts and sciences. He has been responsible for Ars Electronica’s emerging activities in Australia since 2012 including the establishment and management of several international bilateral partnerships with government, industry and universities. He continues to represent Ars Electronica as an official ambassador and has established networks across the EU, Latin America and Asia where he has delivered numerous guest lectures and keynote presentations. As an artist, he has created experimental work since 2000 with mediums spanning music, theatre, film, hybrid and interactive art. As an educator he has worked for several leading Australian Universities including QUT, University of Newcastle and has recently started a management role with RMIT Vietnam concerning future research and innovation. Minski is the founder and former CEO of the Australian company Art Thinking PTY LTD. 


2020. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Newcastle, Australia and Ars Electronica Futurelab, Austria

2008. Kultur und Technik (Culture and Technology), Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (International Scholarship Program)

2008. Tonmeister (Audio Master) Studies, UDK Berlin, Germany (International Scholarship Program)

2007. Bachelor of Arts, University of Newcastle, AU (2 Semesters: German Language)

2005. Bachelor of Communication (Honours), University of Newcastle, AU 

2004. Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies), University of Newcastle, AU


2024, Intra Human x Inter Digital (Producer)

2023, Chromatic Festival (Director)

2022, James Street Plaza Activation (Lead Producer)

2022, Future Innovators Summit Newcastle (Lead Producer)

2022, Oribotics Communities (Lead Producer)

2021, Shadowgram Singleton (Lead Producer)

2021, Ars Electronica Garden NEWCASTLE (Producer)

2021, Burns Lane Cloud (Curatorial Production)

2021, SIngleton Living Laneways (Producer and co-lead researcher)

2020, Shadowgram Singleton (Producer)

2020, Ars Electronica Garden NEWCASTLE (Producer)

2020, Creative Question Challenge (Lead artist and researcher)

2019, Shadowgram Brisbane (Project Lead/Manager)

2018, Ars Electronica x Wollongong Initiative (Partnership Broker and Concept Proposal Lead)

2017, Australia @ Ars Electronica Festival (Project Lead/Manager)

2017, Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy @ QUT_2017 (Project Lead and Mentor)

2016-17, The Future Innovators Summit (Research Lead and Facilitator)

2016, Shared Space Bots @ World Science Festival (Producer)

2013, QUT Soul of Cube (Concept Team and researcher)

2013, Aakash Resonate / Murmur (Artist and Media Art Project Lead/Manager, Researcher)

2013, The Future Rock Show (Lead Artist and Project Lead/Manager)

2013-14, Bienenstock, (Lead Artist and Producer)

2012-14, Spaxels (Project Lead/Manager Brisbane 2013, Technical Planner London 2013)

2012, Spacetime Concerto (Austrian Hub Project Lead)

2012, MED-EL Audioversum (Technical Lead)

2011, Linz Changes – Media Tent (Technical Lead)

2010, SAP Berlin Media Art & Architecture Renovation (Project Lead/Manager)

2010, Ars Electronica Facade Player (Technical Lead)

2010, Meet HONDA Asimo (Technical Lead – Video Research Unit)

2010, Zeitraum (Media Planner)

2009, Device Art (Production: Media Art Exhibition)

2009, Geocity (Production: Media Art Exhibition)

2002, Dancing to Architecture: a motion picture about T.I.N.A (Producer - Documentary Film)


2024, Experimental Media (3rd Year 10CP) University of Newcastle, Course Coordinator and Course Design

2024, Entrepreneurship (3rd Year 10CP) University of Newcastle, Tutor

2023, 24 Creative Collaborations (1st Year 10CP) University of Newcastle, Tutor

2023, 24 Design Thinking and Innovation (2nd Year 10CP) University of Newcastle, Lecturer, Co-Curriculum Development and Tutor

2021, Festival University Art Thinking Advisor and Workshop Design & Facilitation for Future University Session

2021, 22, 23 Interactive Art & Production (2nd Year - 10CP), School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, Course Coordinator and Course Design

2021, 22, 23 Strategic Creativity (2nd Year - 10CP), School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, Tutor

2021, 22, 23 Creative Industries Professional Project (3rd Year - 20CP), School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, Course Coordinator

2021, 22, 23 Creative Placemaking (3rd Year - 10CP), University of Newcastle, School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, Course Coordinator,

2021, Work Integrated Learning Supervision, University of Newcastle School of Electrical Engineering & Computing, 2 students

2021, Work Integrated Learning Supervision, University of Newcastle School of Creative Industries, 2 students

2019, Work Integrated Learning Supervision, Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Engineering, 1 Student

2019, Work Integrated Learning Supervision, Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Creative Industries, 1 Student

2018, Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy @ QUT 2018 (Co-Course Design & Futurelab Project Lead)

2017, Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy @ QUT_2017 (Co-Course Design & Futurelab Project Lead)

2017, Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy - Hong Kong Design Institute (Futurelab Mentor)



2022, PhD Here Today Gone Tomorrow - Examining Community and Arts-Based Approaches for Improving Disaster Resilience, PhD (Disaster Management), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle / Co-Supervisor / Ongoing


2023: What is Creativity?, Newcastle (AU) Panel: What is Creativity in 2023?
2022: International STEAM Conference, Birmingham (UK)
Keynote Presentation: Art Thinking: a transdisciplinary approach to drive change in society.
2021: Ars Electronica Festival (AT) Presentation: Education for Future Generation in Art, Technology, and Society
2021: Government of the State of Jalisco (MX)
Keynote Lecture: From Science to the Market
2021: City of Newcastle (AU) Innovation Panel: IQ Series @ Civic Theatre
2021: University of Newcastle (AU) P3 Symposium Keynote: Ars Electronica as a role model for collaboration between art, industry and governance
2019: University of Newcastle (AU) Presentation: Spaxels: a Case Study for Co-creation in Experimental Art
2019: Tec De Monterey, Guadalajara (MX) Guest Lecture: Introduction to Art & Technology
2018: UNAM, C3 Center of Complexity, CDMX (MX)
Keynote: The Other I: Art & Robotics
2018: QUT Create X, Brisbane (AU) Panel Chair: Educating Futures at the Intersection of Art & Technology
2018: Pause Festival, Melbourne (AU)
Panel: The Future Festival
2018: MIT Media Lab, Boston (US) Research Presentation: Collaboration in Experimental Art
2018: UCLA, Los Angeles (US): Guest Lecture: The Art of Collaboration
2018: CENART, CDMX (MX) Keynote: Art thinking: Understanding Collaboration in Experimental Art
2017: Epicentro Festival (MX) Keynote: Ars Electronica: a role model for Collaboration between Art and ICT
2017: Vivid Festival, Sydney (AU) Panel and Presentation: Digital Placemaking: Media Art Perspectives
2016: Australian Austrade Office, Frankfurt (DE) Presentation: The Art of Innovation
2015: National Cheng Kung University (TW) Guest Lecture: The Way of (Experimental) Art
2015: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art (TW) Keynote: Collaboration in Experimental Art
2015: Australian Office Taipei (TW): Presentation: The Art of Innovation – An Introduction to Ars Electronica
2015: Chaoyang University (TW) Keynote: Creative Trends in Digital Art and Design Conference
2015: National Taipei University of Technology (TW)  Lecture: Art Thinking – An Intro to Ars Electronica
2015: Art University Linz (AT) Guest Lecture: Introduction to Ars Electronica Futurelab
2015: Dramaturgischen Gesellschaft 2015 (AT) Conference Presentation: Media & Performance
2015: Hong Kong Design Institute @ Futurelab (AT) Guest Lecture: Future Stage
2014: International Diplomat Visit @ AEC (AT) Special Presentation: Introduction to Futurelab
2014: Fish Island Lab, London UK (GB) Presentation: Introduction to Ars Electronica and Futurelab
2014: FH Johannes Graz (AT) Guest Lecture: Next Stage: 21st Century Live Music Performance


HCISS Interdisciplinary Collaboration Scheme , 2024 Amount: AUD$10000. Funded by University of Newcastle School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences

Uncontained Festival , 2024 Amount: AUD$16000. Funded by Georges River Council

New Annual Festival , 2024 Amount: AUD$20000. Funded by New Annual Festival

James Street Plaza Activation , 2023 Amount: AUD$8000. Funded by Hamilton Business Association

NSW Land and Housing Corporation Gallery Concept , 2023 Amount: AUD$8000. Funded by NSW Land and Housing Corporation

Future Innovators Summit , 2022 Amount: AUD$50000. Funded by City of Newcastle, University of Newcastle, Colourworks and Canon Australia.

Port Stephens Shared Creative Spaces Feasability Study , 2022 Amount: AUD$15000. Funded by Octapod Association

James Street Plaza Activation , 2022 Amount: AUD$20000. Funded by City of Newcastle

Singleton Living Laneways , 2020/21. Amount: AUD$140000. Funded by Singleton Council and administered by University of Newcastle

Australia at Ars Electronica 2017 , 2017, Amount: AUD$67670. Funded by: Australia Council - Administered by Kristefan Minski on behalf of Ars Electronica Linz & Co KG, Linz, Austria


Minski, K (2020) “Collaboration in Experimental Art: Case Studies in Co-creation, Transdisciplinarity and Art-Science Practice at Ars Electronica Futurelab”. PhD thesis.

Minski, K., Holzkorn, P. et al. (2017) “Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy:  Exporting Transdisciplinarity”, book chapter presented at Warp/Weft international workshop for interdisciplinary education. Prato, Italy

Minski K., Ogawa, H. and Someya, K. (2016) “Developing Prototypes for the Future” in Leopoldseder, H. (2016) Ars Electronica 2016: RADICAL ATOMS and the alchemists of our time, Cantz, Austria


2024+ RMIT Vietnam, Manger, Research Capability Development

2020+              Art Thinking, PTY LTD (ACN: 645883441) Founder

2020-2024 Art Thinking, PTY LTD (ACN: 645883441) CEO

2020-2024 University of Newcastle, Part-Time Lecturer

2020-2024  Future Art Science & Technology Lab (FASTLab) Industry Associate

2008-2019     Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG, Linz, Austria, various positions:

Contractor and Trademark Licensee:
2018-19: Ars Electronica Australia powered by Art Thinking Co-Director
2017-19: Ars Electronica Australia and New Zealand Representative
Full-time employment positions
2012-17: Ars Electronica Futurelab Senior Researcher, Artist and Producer
2009-12: Ars Electronica Futurelab Team Leader – Technical Design & Engineering

2004-2007 NBN Television, Digital Transition Lead, Camera Operator, Post-Production and Content Transfer Operations

2001-2004 University of Newcastle, Newcastle University Students Association (NUSA) Student Union Services

REFEREES (available upon request)