Hello everyone and welcome.

For the first time, Art Thinking and partners are the exclusive Australian host of a leading international and future-thinking festival; Ars Electronica Festival 2021: A New Digital Deal. Curated by Art Thinking and co-produced with the University of Newcastle’s FASTLab, the five-day Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle program expands into the Hunter.

Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle is running as part of a broader international event, Ars Electronica Festival 2021, where leading international thinkers across art, technology, science and society will bring their knowledge to the topic: The New Digital Deal.

Art Thinking is proud to be bringing an international perspective to events with a strong local focus and vice versa. Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle presents a unique opportunity to hear firsthand from local leaders, artists and thinkers. This is the first time an event of this style has been hosted in Newcastle, whilst also being available to a national and international audience online. Art Thinking is looking forward to bringing this event format to Newcastle and wants people to approach it with a relaxed curiosity. 

Please note that all events below as part of the Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle are FREE.

This year’s garden will feature a range of both online content during the international event in September as well as a significant local program that has been postponed until December due to the current covid restrictions. In the spirit of Ars Electronica, the producers used the current covid challenge as an opportunity to expand on and open up new possibilities.  

Garden Newcastle Official Opening

Live Webinar
Friday 10 September
17:00 - 18:00 AEST


Host - Dr. Kristefan Minski, CEO Art Thinking / Industry Associate University of Newcastle 

Speakers - Professor John Fischetti, Pro Vice-Chancellor - Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle | Mr. Richard Sadleir, Australian Ambassador to Austria  | Horst Hörtner, CTO Ars Electronica / Founder and Director Ars Electronica Futurelab | Mr Declan Clausen, Deputy Lord Mayor - City of Newcastle (Major Partner) | Professor Paul Egglestone, Head of School Creative Industries at University of Newcastle (Major Partner) | Rully Zakaria (ID / AU), Creative Director Art Thinking Australia | Maria José Sanchez Varela Barajas (MX), winner of New Move Grant / Producer of Future Innovators Summit Newcastle


The official opening of the Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle / Australia introduces the high-level government, academic, local and international partners that have made this program possible. The official proceedings include a presentation from the Garden producers about the upcoming highlights. This includes the launch and open call for the City of Newcastle Future Innovators Summit. A 4-day program focused on the young minds from the region - the real experts of the future.

Singleton Living Laneways Tour

Live Webinar
Saturday, 11 September
20:00 - 20:30 AEST



From interactive displays with shadows and thought-boxes, to media balloons, murals and interactive sound installations. The Singleton Living Laneways project, powered by the Universities FASTlab, brings spaces to life through a suite of engaging, high-impact activations that celebrate creative life and community identity.

In this 30 minute program, FASTLab and Art Thinking will provide a presentation of the projects and a panel to meet some of the key researchers, artists and the city curator behind this inspirational project.

New(Castle) Education Model

Live Webinar
Sunday 12 September
20:30 - 21:00 AEST


Panel: Michele Oshan (AU) Dr Braddon Snape (AU) Professor Mario Minichiello (IT/UK) Professor Paul Egglestone (UK)
Moderator: Kristefan Minski (AU)


University of Newcastle’s Future Art Science & Technology Lab (FASTLab) is joining forces with Newcastle’s fastest growing grass roots creative precinct to envisage completely new pathways in tertiary education. This event provides a unique perspective on future education possibilities from the local Garden partner of Newcastle, Australia.

A new education model is being developed by the School of Creative Industries that promotes collaboration between academia, governance, industry and the arts community. In this panel, we meet some of the protagonists involved and hear about the ideas and thinking behind it.

Exhibition Teaser - Art Thinking Saloon: Garden Newcastle December Highlights

Live Webinar
Sunday 12 September
21:30 - 22:30 AEST



The Newcastle Garden feature exhibition will focus on work that fuses local talents with national and international media artists that all have a connection to the Newcastle and Hunter region. Includes Prix Ars Electronica and ST+Arts Prize winners.

Feature Artists include Andrew Styan (AU), Caddie Brain (AU), Dr Theresa Schubert (DE), The Cuddle Coin Collective (AU), Rachel Hanlon (AU), Dr Matthew Gardiner (AU) and many more. Program still being updated.

City of Newcastle Future Innovators Summit Launch


In a major partnership with the City of Newcastle, the Hunter region will host the first ever Future Innovators Summit in Australia.

The program will focus on young voices (4-19 years old) - the EXPERTS of the FUTURE. Because who is more qualified to discuss the future, than those who will be living it?
LEARN MORE on how to register!

Festival University
30 August - 17 Sept


Art Thinking and University of Newcastle will be the Australian Facilitator and Mentor for the 3-week international Festival University program.

Bringing 100 students from around the globe together to tackle big global challenges through creativity and co-creation.

From September 8 to 12, Ars Electronica 2021, the festival for art, technology and society, will take place not only in Linz (Austria) and 86 other Ars Electronica Gardens around the globe, but also online. The festival thus presents itself as a dual event – with exhibitions, concerts, talks, conferences, workshops, guided tours and other online activities. Click here to purchase tickets for online program Ars Electronica Festival 2021: A New Digital Deal.

There are no upcoming events at this time.